First off, what you have to realize is that every single little thing that we do in this world, is nothing but the constant and continuous fulfillment of contract. Many people think that a piece of paper signed by a number of parties is what makes a contract, when in reality, that piece of paper is nothing but a memorial of a contract that was already made. More of a record. The contract is made when you agree, either verbally or implicitly (your actions), to whatever terms and conditions of the presented contract contain.
In a world of contracts with a commercial law system in place, every contract contains a creditor and debtor and debtors always lose. Very rarely is it a good idea to be a debtor. And how you can tell who the creditor and debtor is, is by knowing who is in honor with the contract, and who is in dishonor. When you dishonor a contract, you are a debtor. Creditors win and collect, debtors lose and pay.
Whenever you ignore or reject a contract, you are in dishonor. Whenever you accept a contract, you are a creditor. Now when most people hear this, they think, “Well how on earth could I possibly accept every single contract presented to me?” Obviously, if someone comes up to you and says hey, give me your car, you’re not going to say, “Well Matt said I have to accept every contract so I guess you can have it.” Fortunately, there’s few different ways to accept a contract and this is really where a true creditors/sovereigns power lies.
You can just accept the contract, you can accept it through your actions without ever saying anything, and there’s the conditional acceptance. The conditional acceptance is where your power lies.
When you understand that everything is contracts, you are well on your way to true sovereignty. This basic fundamental is very often overlooked by aspiring sovereigns and patriots alike and is the reason why they end up in trouble and worse, in prison. They don’t know why they are doing the things they are doing and don’t know how to handle what’s thrown at them.
This is where people get into trouble. We’ll use the IRS as an example. We’ve all heard countless horror stories about the people’s run in with the IRS.
Contrary to what most people believe, the IRS for example, has absolutely no rights or interest in ANY of our property, until WE give it to them. How is it that the IRS can seize your home, which you may own free and clear and is worth $200,000, for $1,000 in taxes that you haven’t paid? What happens is that many people don’t believe they actually owe the tax, so they don’t pay it and they ignore the correspondences sent by the IRS, which is their attempt to collect what they think you owe them.
What you don’t realize is that when the IRS sends a correspondence or letter to your house demanding payment, they also put the consequences of not paying right on the letter. Most will ignore it or fight it (when you fight it or argue with them, you’re giving merit to their claim, which makes them the creditor and you the debtor). They think to themselves, “They can’t do that. I don’t owe any tax,” or “The IRS and all of their taxes are illegal, so I’m just going to ignore this.”
You’re doing what’s known as an implied acceptance. It’s an acceptance through your actions or lack thereof. It’s called tacit acquiescence. When you ignore or don’t address the contract presented to you, you have just dishonored the parties offer, which makes you the debtor, all through tacit acquiescence (implied acceptance through your actions or lack thereof).
The consequences the IRS will put in their letter to you, is your consent for them to levy any and all bank accounts and seizure of property in order to settle the alleged amount. I invite you to read a letter from the IRS to confirm this. When you dishonor their offer, you literally give them permission to do everything they said they were going to do. YOU literally GIVE THEM permission, through your implied acceptance, to levy your accounts and seize your property.
Whether or not the IRS had any rights, titles, or interest in your property before this contract is completely irrelevant. The IRS now has a contract, verified by a third party witness (usually a notary public) that certified your dishonor (if you ignored it), giving them all of the rights they need to seize your property. ALL BECAUSE YOU GAVE IT TO THEM!
Conditional acceptance is where a sovereigns true power resides. Once you understand how to properly harness this power, everything else kind of falls in place, especially freedom.
When you do a conditional acceptance, which is made possible by contract law, you are accepting the party’s offer condition upon certain requirements that you set forth. In other words, you agree to do whatever it is that the offerer is requesting if he/she does what you require first.
For example, let’s say your neighbor sends you a letter saying that you owe him $100. You know you already paid him back but you also know, that if you argue with him, you’ll be giving merit to his claim, which will make you the debtor, and him the creditor, and if you ignore or reject his offer, you’ll be in dishonor, making you the debtor. So you decide to act like a true sovereign and conditionally accept his offer upon proof of claim via signed affidavit, signing under his full commercial liability, that you haven’t already settled and closed that account.
What this does is it puts the burden of proof onto him. He now has to prove that you haven’t already paid him back. This comes from a maxim law, “The burden of proof lies on the one who makes a claim.” A maxim law is a self evident truth. It’s a law that society has accepted as common sense and a part of every day life. I’ll be doing a post on maxim laws a little bit later.
But now, there’s a few things that can happen. When you send your conditional acceptance letter back to your neighbor, you have a third party witness, usually a notary public, certify that you did indeed send it, and that the person you’re sending it to has however many days you set forth to respond, or they will certify his non-response/non-performance. This way, if your neighbor ever wants to take you to court, you have prime facie evidence that you can send in to the private side of the court that you did indeed try to resolve the issue, and you even have a contract that your neighbor agreed to, when he didn’t respond or didn’t rebut your conditional acceptance.
Now, let’s back up just a little bit. When you send your conditional acceptance to your neighbor, in it, you’re going to put your own terms and conditions of the contract. So really what you’re doing is re-contracting with your neighbor. In your affidavit (most conditional acceptances, at least the ones I do, are in the form of an affidavit), you put how long your neighbor has to respond, that you’d be more than happy to pay condition upon proof of claim, and what will happen if he doesn’t respond or perform, which will include the fact that no such debt exists. When your neighbor doesn’t do this, he has, through tacit acquiescence, agreed to your terms and conditions. You now have a contract with your neighbor, certified by a third party witness, that you can use to defend yourself should he ever try to take you to court for it.
This is just a brief description of how powerful conditional acceptance is, and really just the basics of how it works. You still need to do a lot of due diligence and research on how to properly use it and I’ll be doing more posts on it soon to help you along your way. In the meantime, a great resource for learning about contracts and conditional acceptance is the creditors in commerce website, which I believe is part of this forum as well. So make sure you start studying. Until next time.
Matt – Introductory Assistant
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