The Secured Party is an American State Citizen of the United States of America; secured and protected by the Constitution as a Principal Creditor that can also give an account with blood.
The Principal Creditor at his birthing was given an Absolute Inherit Estate, as a probated registered account by his will to live.
The Principal Creditor then became the original LESSOR and the Insured byway of the “Certificate of Live Birth”, a document that Leased the Estate to the Principal Debtor, as the original LESSEE a Body Corporate/Account in Form; in custody as an Independent Treasury Account and a United States Citizenship domiciled in a Foreign Jurisdiction known as Washington, District of Columbia.
The Principal Debtor is operating as an Executive Agency, a private deposit insurer, to issue orders for Subleasing insurance monetary contracts as the new LESSOR and the Insurer to the Principal Creditor (the Insured party) and the new LESSEES are the UNITED STATES and the STATE organizations of corporation and other licensed corporations, known as AFFILIATES:
STATE OF XXXXXXXX Affiliate – Certificate of Live Birth – was to be 3-seven year leases and terminated at the age of 21.
UNITED STATES Affiliate – Social Security Account – a 1-seven year leasing contract to be terminated at the age of 25.
US Department of Navy Affiliate – DD 214N Military Service Bounty as leased royalty continuous discharging account.
Certificate of Baptism 214N with Church of Rome Affiliate – was to be 3-seven year leases and terminated at the age of 21.
gloria Isaac salazar January 26, 2021 at 2:31 pm
I am trying to get more information for my son who is in prison, he was informed about TOrte, SPC so he is wanting information. Since he is in prison he has no way to research anything. Would appreciate any assistance
Larry Salazar #01322810
Wynne Unit
810 FM2821
Huntsville, tx 77349
Remedy February 2, 2021 at 2:31 pm
Please, give our office a call directly during business hours and speak to one of our representatives.Our direct number is (614)302-9752 and our business hours are Monday thru Thursday 9am to 12pm and Friday 9am to 12pm (EST). Thanks!